
The closing ceremony of the Computer Science Exploration Camp 2011 has ended successfully on July 7, 2011. This activity was organized by Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, and sponsored by Science and Technology Development Fund of Macao SAR. There were more than twenty students from thirdteen different schools, who participated in a four-day class, covering computer animation and game production, machine translation, computer system and programming.

This summer camp gave students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the University's equipment and feel the academic atmosphere around the University. In computer animation and game production workshop, students had shown their creativity in designing a racing car game. In machine translation workshop, students got a better understanding in the internal syntactic structures between languages through the realization of simple translation systems. In the computer system and programming workshop, they worked together in designing and implementing different programs, and understood the operation principles of the vending machine and intelligent orbit control system.

Students not only got a better understanding on the computer science technologies, but also made lots of friends from different schools in this four-day summer camp.


